About Us

Founder of the Company

Aida Electronics Tabriz Company (private joint stock) under the management of the late Mr. Mohsen Maghami , a member of the Iranian Society of Inventors, started with the production of inductive and capacitive sensors as the first product, and after that, for the first time in Iran,

it began to produce infrared sensors and He also worked hard on solid material sensors, then he succeeded in designing thread sensors, which is the third company producing this type of sensor in the world.

History of the Company

Aida Electronics Tabriz Company started designing industrial sensors from 1994 and began producing industrial sensors from 1999

And also started designing machine towel and carpet sensors from this year and started producing them from 2001.

New management of the Company

Since 2017, the company under the management of his daughter, Mrs. Aida Maghami ,

continues its activity in the field of manufacturing and producing industrial sensors.

Our Customers
Credit and guarantee are ours